When someone starts in Network marketing the first months are usually filled with expenses and with almost no money to be made at all. But that doesn't always has to be the case as there is a way to get your hands on some MLM cash quite fast. Unfortunately very few are attempting it and that is why we have so many people quitting their opportunity after a few months.
The method I am telling you is nothing else but a few product sales. It is not necessary to try to recruit everyone, and in fact not everyone you meet is a good candidate for your business. But there are a lot of people out there that need your product and would make excellent customers for it.
I am one of those that don't believe in traditional recruiting methods and always recommend the Internet for finding new business prospects or customers. And especially I always consider it a big no to try to recruit your friends and relatives to your MLM opportunity. But selling products to them is not so objectionable as long as they take them because they find them useful and cover their needs and not because of charity. After all in the real world we always inform others about a business we might have and many self-employed have friends and relatives as customers. Even we ourselves prefer to shop products or services from people we know instead from strangers or faceless corporations.
Of course you don't go hard after them like an annoying salesman trying to do the sale no matter what. You have to take a more relaxed approach and just inform them that you have started that x business, where you sell such products for a commission, next time you see them. I am sure that most of those people would be interested to find more about that products or see some of them if they really need them. But don't pick up the phone tomorrow and start calling everyone telling them about your MLM products. Just continue your social life as you did before and when you meet someone from your circle just mention it.
That tactic won't help you build an MLM empire or become the top distributor in your network marketing company, but it would help you to make some easy money fast to cover some of your expenses or why not leave you with a nice profit.
The mistake that most people do is to try to approach their warm market and try to sell their opportunity to them. But that tactic alienates them from you and you risk to lose them as friends and as potential customers. After all don't forget that only a small minority of the people are interested in starting their own business, or supplement their income. But on the other hand everyone buys products.
So stop trying to approach your warm market with your network marketing opportunity and start making some products sales instead. That cash can help you cover your expenses and if there is some profit, you can reinvest it in you MLM business in the form of marketing and advertising to attract new customers and opportunity seekers.
Chris Kosman
Learn How to Make Some Fast MLM Cash