As I look kindly upon this complex visage,
I reflect.
I see the joy,I reflect.
The grace
And the mystery that is motherhood.
Behold a face that has felt every feeling
And lived so many emotions!
I survey the lines,
Notice the imperfections
And ponder the passage of time.
My eyes are filled with wonder.
They have gazed upon you as you slept,
Watched you grow
And witnessed the miracles of life.
Lips that once brushed your newborn cheek
Now smile with the secrets
That only a mother can know.
This mouth
Has imparted many pearls of parental wisdom.
I did not always say the right thing or use the right words.
I raised my voice to scold you,
Tempered it to praise you
And softly whispered lullabies for only you to hear.
I have never stopped listening for you.
With these ears I heard your thoughts.
My intuition guided me as I responded to your cries.
I brush back my hair.
It was so often neglected in the name of motherhood.
My head would spin with all that I had to do for you.
Now I hold it high and commend myself.
And what of this impressive figure I see before me?
I celebrate how it has stood the test of time.
These shoulders have carried themselves well.
They shrugged in resignation
And sagged under the strains of family life.
I now throw them back with pride
In honor of a job well done.
I think of you
And my chest swells with devotion.
How I embraced you!
These breasts that nurtured you
Were once your sanctuary.
My arms have been your comfort and support.
They cuddled and cradled
And ached to hold you when we were apart.
They now have the power to hug from afar.
I reach out my hands.
They tied your shoes, tussled your hair
And earnestly folded in prayer to beseech your well- being.
These fingers washed, ironed and held you tight.
They lovingly molded you into a person of substance.
You flourished
Under the deftness of a mother’s touch.
I stand resolute with a stalwart back
That bore such pain as I brought you into the world.
I persevered
And have carried the mantle of motherhood with dignity.
Look at these noble hips!
You sat securely on your perch
While I toted you around,
Shifting you from left side to right…
Right side to left…
And we went happily about our days together.
You kept me on my toes.
These nimble feet
Paced, ran and treaded lightly
To keep up with your life.
On tireless legs I strode ahead to guide you
And followed close behind to catch you.
Now I walk beside you as a friend.
I remember.
I reflect.
The mirror does not lie.
The humanity, the magic and the passion
Of being a mother
Is there for everyone to see.
I rejoice!
Poetry : In The Mirror